OK, it wasn't bought on 4/15, but a couple of weekends ago, I picked up a very sweet Colt CCO. For the uninitiated, a CCO is an officer's frame with a commander slide mated to it, very ideal for concealed carry (CCO stands for Concealed Carry Officers). I had to give up an AR and a few bucks to get it, but it is certainly worth more than the AR to me and I can get another AR (rather, build one out of the 2 lowers I have). So far, the CCO is utterly reliable and my only quandry right now is finding a carry ammo that doesn't make my hand throb. So far, Speer LE Gold Dot 200g +P are sooooo not it. Suggestions anyone?
The gun came with the "Goodyear" wrap-around grips, I ditched those for the more acceptable double-diamond rubbers that I really like on carry 1911s. Some say they cling to clothes, but I've not had a big issue with that, the wrap-arounds do fwiw. Accuracy with the CCO is good and the only other thing I changed on it besides the grips is adding a ring-style hammer that I had Judge order from Fusion for my Officer's model, it was seredipity since the hammer was two-tone and the new CCO was also.
This gun also darned near got Judge into a bit of hot water, I was lunching with his missus when she mentioned that their daughter said uncle José brought daddy a new gun, a little one. Of course I'd do no such thing and besides, it isn't that small. The little angel saw me bring it in to their house and show it to Judge while the misses was off shopping at the mega-outlet-mall.