Monday, July 03, 2006

Another hot one

Last Saturday was another hot one at Thunder Valley.  I think the official temp was 94 degrees and the humidity was up there too.  Of interest this month is the return of our TG and newly appointed SASS Regulator Vaquero Hayes, congrats to him for a well deserved appointment.  He is truly an embassador to the game.

Also of note was the injury last Tuesday to our club president and range owner Redneck Rebel who was thrown from a horse and broke one rib clean, three fractured and a punctured lung, OUCH!  I went down early with another pardner to help setup and then spent time after the shoot helping clean up.  I have a new appreciation for all that Redneck does and hope he's a fast healer.  Actually, I don't mind helping, I just wish some of the other guys would have pitched in on such a hot day, especially since I ran the posse.

As for the shooting, I shot pretty consistently and ended up the top duelist and 5th overall (out of 23).  I'll take it, my speed was pretty good (for me) and I had nary a bobble, just a couple of shotgun hulls that stuck in the port and were quickly cleared.  I'm getting several compliments on my shotgun work, four over the top seems to be fastest for me, so that makes you feel good.

I've got one more shoot next weekend before the Indiana State Shoot to improve, this is about as well as I've ever shot, if I can get the misses down, I'd feel better, but every shooter wants to do better and that's part of what makes shooting sports so great.  You can pick them up easilty, but mastery is very hard.

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